Businessmen from Malaga and Granada create an app to help the hospitality industry face the de-escalation

Businessmen from Malaga and Granada create an app to help  the hospitality industry face the de-escalation

Businessmen from Malaga and Granada create an app to help the hospitality industry face the de-escalation

The ‘Menupop’ application is the global answer for the restaurant sector in response to the new saftety measures

The developers of the project are working so that the application centralises the entire restaurant process; from delivery, table reservation to even the payment itself

Marbella, May 19, 2020_ The Malaga based company Buenos Codigos, together
with Joaquín Santiago, have launched a new platform in which the hospitality
sector will find a global response to all the requirements that are being
established with the recently introduced Phase 1 of de-escalation in Malaga and
the consequent reopening of establishments terraces. The Menupop app not only
allows each restaurant to have its menus in digital format, but, through a
personalized QR Code for each table, customers can order their food through a
fully digitalised system that goes directly to the assigned waiter and to the
kitchen, just like magic. You can also call your waiter, ask for the bill or make
the payment through the app.
The application is in response to the recommendations established by the
Ministry of Health and the Institute for Spanish Tourist Quality (ICTE), which in
their protocol to reduce the risk of contagion by coronavirus urge restaurants and
bars to avoid traditional printed menus and.
With the opening of restaurants in the de-escalation, there are many obstalces to
overcome in this sector in order to safeguard the safety of both staff and
customers. For this reason, the company Buenos Codigos began to put forward
ways about how to carry out the return to business in this sector and what they
can develop with their knowledge to facilitate the daily work in the hospitality
And thus Menupop was created, a service that helps hoteliers and restaurateurs
avoid menus in printed format in their establishments by digitizing them. In this
way, it is not only safer for the customers, but also optimizes the work and time
of the team by not having to disinfect menus after each use.
Menupop is an application that makes digital cards available to the hospitality
establishment and goes much further. At all times the interaction with the
kitchen and table staff can be carried out digitally, since each table has a
personalized QR code that includes a 'notes' section to make it more specific for

the exact requirements and needs of each diner.

The application works in a business line that is focused on large chains that have
brand manuals and need to have their own custom app in their image. In
addition, the idea is to expand their services soon through a comprehensive
service that allows them to manage the reservation of tables, order at home,
order at the restaurant, call the waiter and even pay through it.
For hoteliers, Menupop is synonymous with peace of mind because it can offer
maximum security to its team and customers. But it is also a symbol of
adaptation and modernity, since everything points to these measures going to
stay forever, thus changing the concept of restaurants to which we were
‘Menupop is just the tip of the iceberg, we are planning many other services
that can be connected to the app, aiming for the ultimate goal of
comprehensive management of establishments,’ says Martín Folatelli, CEO of this
From the conception of the original idea to its implementation, the objective of
Menupop is to help one of the sectors most affected by the coronavirus crisis. For
this reason, all the establishments that register, will be able to use it completely
free of charge for 30 days of trial and then € 29 + VAT, per month.

About Buenos Codigos:
BuenosCodigos has developed the first platform for the development of apps and websites "No-Code" in
Spain and one of the first in the world: This tool allows Menupop to extend its
functionalities up to 10 times faster than traditional methods, being able to adapt to the needs of your
clients immediately.